Our Vision

"Development Through Friendship"

Our Mission

"Develop and give facilities to establish a person's social,economical and cultural activities from his birth to death‍"


Hali-Ela divisional secretariat situated near to 06km from the district first city Badulla. In north Badulla, Soranathota, Kandektiya divisions and in east Passara,Ella divisions and in west Uvaparanagama,Velimada divisions are situated.     The feet of this division is 165km and it include 57 GS Divisions, 25958 families, and 102305. populations .

When consider about the physical resources there are roots for all the GS divisions but lack of transport facilities. Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim peoples living in this division and identified 9959 peoples are uneducated. Here the health education organizations are established but these organizations can’t fulfill the requests of the people.

In this division the main cultivation is Tea, Vegetable, mixed, paddy and the export pepper cultivation. Specially 35% of tea, 20% of mixed cultivation, 20% vegetables for annual cultivation and balanced for other cultivation. 51.4% of people lived by doing cultivation in total population.

Basic Information of the Division

  • Divisional Secretariat of Hali-Ela is situated in the middle of the Badulla District.
  • According to the national Grid it is situated in 185-286 to the North and 219-239 to the East.
  • It is situated between 6.50-7.10 Northern longitudes and 80.50-81.10 Eastern latitudes.

Comparative Location (Among Divisional Secretariat Offices)
     North - Badulla, Soranathota and Kandaketiya Divisional Secretariat Offices
     East- Passara and Ella Divisional Secretariat Offices
     South - Bandarawela and Ella Divisional Secretariat Offices
     West - Uva Paranagama and Welimada Divisional Secretariat Offices

Area of the Division
  • Total area of the division is 165 km2. 16500 hectares.
  • It is 5.6% from the total land area of the District.

  • Administrative District - Badulla
  • Electorate Division - Hali-Ela
  • Number of Korales - 04
  • Number of Grama Niladari Divisions – 57
  • Number of Villages - 319

  • According to the statistics in 2017, total population of Hali-Ela division is 102305.

  • Mainly it shows hill country geographical features.
  • Nature of soil – Mainly it contains Lithasol soil, Red and yellow soil, Podisolic soil and Rigasoil
  • Hali-Ela division lies 2000-5500 ft above the sea level.

  • There is an interzonal climate.
  • Annual rainfall is between 1500-3000 mm.
  • Annual average temperature is about 22-250c

  • According to the physical features of the hill country, a drainage system is visible.
  • There are plenty of water catchment areas.
  • The western area of the division is a water catchment area of Uma Oya.
  • The eastern area of the division is a water catchment area of Badulu Oya.
  • There are beautiful waterfalls.